You really don't have to be reading this blog very long to understand how very much this family is into Lego. Call us a one hit wonder, but my guys find them all together fascinating with no end in sight. I'm quite sure that I would have never let my 3 year old first born come even close to the tiny pieces that adorn my total square feet. But George would be uncharacteristically quarantined to keep that under 3 rule up in this household. As it were, the love of these tiny plastic brick pieces runs deep and wide through all of us.
Sunday evening, just as we were finishing up our student service, a bright blue bin graced the foyer held by one of our young men of the church. A whole batch of formally loved Legos to be passed on to the hands of my overly excited and deeply grateful boys.
Needless to say, the priority come Monday morning was to wash, soak, dry, and divvy up those beloved fresh spoils. For myself, I could ask for no greater a common bond between them. I have seen sibling peace, love, sharing, trading, role play, creativity, and all out genius arise from this one toy. The day that I won't be stepping on a Lego plastic brick is the day I know that my boys are gone and I'm none to anxious for that day to come.