Why would a little knit pink teddy bear make it into our very full home of all boys? Well, you might think that it was for our future daughter. But not this time. You see, I have a niece and as many of you know it was her first birthday this September. Not only is she absolutely adorable we also share the same birthday month. In my family she's the first even close to my birthday. So we're September babies. Kinda fun.
I had a whim to knit her this cuddly teddy bear in pink because I remember my sister's first pink bear and O, how she loved it! (Hannah was kinda a teddy bear fanatic there for awhile) What I never expected was how attached my boys got to this cute and cuddly knit friend - pink and all! They all kept saying how much they liked that I was knitting again?! And then they had the keenest curiosity as to how much I had gotten finished on any particular day.
Truly it was so very fun to finally be knitting something that was for someone right now. Amazingly more fulfilling. But of course I can't resist the beautiful sweaters for little girls. So no sooner was the teddy bear sent off to it's new owner, when I found myself starting on a new pale green bolero for a little girl 18-24 months old. (Yes, this time for our daughter - she has quite the small drawer full of knit items) However, the sweater might have to take sabbatical for George will simply not stop asking when he gets HIS teddy bear!