What is it going to be this year? As the chips fall we see what my boys wanted to present themselves a mini versions of to the rest of their small world. Nicholas of course had a minds eye view weeks ahead of time as to what he wanted to be and knew exactly how he wanted to pull it off! He's so easy on me! Then there's Peter who knew what he wanted to be somewhat in advance (the day before) and we all helped him with the details. Also not too bad. Then George, who thought a clown outfit might me good but was sulking miserably 30 minutes before it was time to go! Ahhhh, to the basement of goodies lets see what we can find!
So I proudly present to you - better late then never -
Indiana Jones, Mutt Williams (his sidekick), and a beaver.
*China Update*
Referrals came on November 5th for 2 LID dates! Yes only 2! Down to 487! It's like Heinz ketchup coming out of the bottle - doesn't someone understand we use squeezable now and it tastes just the same!!! Please CCAA lets move a little faster or at least REASONABLY slow!