Christmas is hung in all it's glory around our home. We have done our shopping with the exception of a few items for each other. The tree has been purchased and is lovingly decorated. We even have the memories of a few holiday parties already dancing in our heads.
I love Christmas time most of all though for it's tender moments. Nights of peaceful hush and illuminated glow. The boys have added to those precious times this year by the music of carols being played on the piano. Our rocking chair became a necessary item of furniture gracing our living room in these last few months. And I have filled it with sparks of furious knitting beside the flickering hearth. My heart has basked in the warming nature of new fallen snow surrounding the ever beating hum of the joyful family in it's home.
Evening 'round the dining table after little boys have cir cum to bedtime rituals and pajama laden clothing, speak of candles lit for a time of advent remembrance. The little advent door is opened, a picture discovered, a story read, the inspired scriptures are reveled, and a hand held prayer is said sealing these sweet moments of peace on earth together.
Merry Christmas. May you love and hold one another dearly this season.