I have had my eye on this book for some time. Last week when Andrew was out of town I took the boys over for an evening run to
Barnes and Noble. It was finally my chance to grab it.
It's a very simple read. Maybe that was intentional. Simplicity on any term is a subject matter that I gravitate toward but this had a bit of a different slant. While I might browse the subjects of homemaking and education, this was focused on business.
There are listed ten laws of simplicity. It is basically one man's observation on how design is utilized in our current culture. Using everything from
ipods to
google maps the author breaks down what appeals to us and why.
For myself, this book has been a point of interest to several areas of life. I do appreciate good design and am anxious to look for how I can utilize these "laws" in the not so business related fields of everyday living. It's also fascinating self-reflection on why certain magazines, home interiors, handmade crafts, blogs, even atmospheres, etc. I tend to find extremely inspiring while others, not so much.
I would recommend this quick read to anyone who thinks about design in any shape or form. And beyond that a few observation could even bring a dose of good perspective on the design of life in general.