Well, we have our first rainy day here in China. Currently, the drops are streaming down our hotel window on the 13th floor very fast, steady, and large. Below us is a sea of people all moving around under colored umbrellas.
Our hotel is fabulous. Nicholas says that he feels like a rock star staying here. He's right. You could get lost in this place. It's like a high class mall. One store has Lexus cars on display for your purchase! Oh, just had a big clap of thunder. Maybe I won't miss the fall rains we are having back home. Anyway, along with the stores we have a standing Starbucks! Yay! Two mornings in a row now we have enjoyed our coffee right after an amazing breakfast. It's the little things that helps you keep going on Day 17! Although, with all it's luxury everyone here is missing a bit of Beijing. I guess we just got used to calling it home.
Yesterday we had Annika's medical exam. It was our first glimpse of Shamian Island. That's were we'll do our shopping and get our dinners. In Beijing we had a pretty good routine. We woke up around 6:00 and ate breakfast around 7. By 8:30 we were Skyping with mom and George as they were heading to bed. Then we would go out for the day and see whatever was on the agenda for touring. Lunch time has always been snacks because breakfast is that good! Annika had a nap by 2 and would sleep till 4. Then around 5:30 one of the boys and Andrew would go get dinner and we would share it in the room with a bit of television. Bath time was by 7:30 and since Annika sleeps in the dark everyone went to bed by 8:00! Oh, and then I would sneak out to go blog by screen light.
It has been great for Annika to have such down time built into our days. And there was some days where we would just play in the room or basketball out in the courtyard. The boys are pretty much home bodies too and always loved to just hang out in the room. Once again I have to thank the genius that established quiet time. It's ingrained into their system!
But in Guangzhou for these last remaining days I think that we will have to change things up a bit. It is very hot here. No one seems to go do anything in the heat of the day. We tried a little fast food Chinese last night and the cuisine in south China is just not the same. I guess a lot of foreigners eat McDonald's which is across the street but after one night of that being our ONLY option I felt more sick then than any other food the entire trip. Sorry MickeyD lovers. Anyway, Annika would have nothing to do with it either. The first food she turned down! Good girl. (Just kidding, kinda)
So I think we'll be flip-flopping our days. Spending down time in the room in the mornings and then going out after her nap for dinner at some western restaurants located on the island. The boys are currently going to do a bit of swimming and I think Annika and I will hang out pool side.
And here is our famous photographer and his genius...
I think I have forgotten to mention the large bump that Annika has been displaying on her forehead. A couple of days after we got her she was getting a bit too excited with the boys and tripped on her way-to-big-for-her-little-waist pajamas. The bar of the roll-away bed caught her fall, unfortunately. It turned into a huge lump in 2 seconds flat! O well, such is how our photo memories are made. It worried her brand-new parent far more than she ever thought twice about it. Annika's a pretty tough girl. She'll fit right in with all these boys!!!