What do you do when you have a house full of kids who LOVE to dress up but you don't technically celebrate halloween and besides, you have a church service on Saturday night?
Well, You definitely still dress up...
:: This is our ninja for the evening
:: And here is Will Turner from Pir@tes of the Caribbean in full demeanor
Then, you make sure there is some sweetness involved, like baking chocolate chip cookies. Annika's first time!
:: I think she approves!
Annika has been reading up on her gourmet cooking ya know...
Finally, you do it all the night BEFORE with a good new-release movie to watch while your dunking those cookies in milk. Sweet goodness.
And have you noticed our new shiner? Yep! Annika was running around the house with George, you know that activity that I tell them stop doing over and over, but giggling endlessly is bound to land face down and the desk was there to greet her. Just like last time, it grew to an enormous bump in a matter of seconds. I've never seen a girl get a knot so fast, or a boy for that matter! Well, at least we have a few bangs to cover it this time.