Christmas time for Peter is full of the unexpected. He always has enough emotion for every present opened or event next to happen, to make it all seem like its the greatest thing in all the world. He is a natural at giving in the moments when you least expect it. Which means that when he receives something when he least expects it, it is a truly amazing moment locked in his depth of heart. It's a joy to give gifts to this kid!
He was so excited to give Andrew and I a handmade card on Christmas morning. It took all we could do to keep him from wanting to give it away at less then ideal moments in the weeks leading up. But he was so proud to have something of his own secrecy to present on that snow capped morn'. Peter also gave away his time this Christmas season. Before both of the presents he received that were "assembly required", aka Lego, he chose to put together George's first. I think he gets a kick out of surprising mom and dad with his helpful skills. And you can bet that his parents make all the proper fuss for motivating to keep up the good work!
Of course, he also is my wild one! A kid who's body is in constant motion. Ready to wrestle at the first signs of possibility from that invited look in dad's eye. Or, as in the case of Christmas Eve, lets see how fun it is to jump off the highest stair in our new pj's. (makes sense to me - what else does a boy do with new pajamas?) And then when the snow was laying on it's thick descent and Peter could stand it no more, he put away the new toys as adventure was calling him into the great white world of pretend that was just a "bundled up" and "layered down" moment away.