Well Christmas is pretty much behind us. The decorations are all packed away and the furniture has been rearranged yet again for who know what reason except that it's a new year. But in spite of the obvious, I must press on for posterity sake and complete my last "through my eyes" series. So consider this a personal journal entry if you are entirely accurate in being oh so done with holiday pictures.
I know that I have mentioned this many times since Annika has come home but I still can't resist the fact of stating that I have "twins" for Christmas. This particular season George and Annika seem like they are years apart instead of months but I have thought from time to time how long it would take for that chasm to diminish in a world of learning and growing together. As of now, these two sit beside me on the couch one learning letters to read and the other learning letters to pronounce. And they both are happy as jaybirds with their progress. So am I!
George is becoming a Lego master in the true footsteps of his brothers. I caught him telling is cousin, very lovingly, the "proper" way to hold his new spaceship as they flew them around the house. He is very matter of fact in any statement that he cares to inform you of, with the added word of "evenly". As in, "evenly, I think the snow is so deep that I would freeze!" The word always proceeds something he has definitely come to a conclusion about such-and-such. He has no problems going along with whatever his two older brothers think should be done. They are "so cool", as we all know. I don't even have to pick out his clothes in the morning hours, he would much prefer the male presence to decide. Not a problem. Besides, I have to focused on how to dress a little girl!
So how did I do? I saw this dress on several blogs and thought why not have some dress-up fun this Christmas season with my little girl! You would think that these things would come naturally, myself being a girl and all, but I really have never thought tights, dress shoes, and bows. Oh, but we all got one very important thing right. As soon as this little girl put on her dress she giggled and twirled and said, "see, see" which meant that she wanted to look in the mirror. Andrew in one moment understood why every girl at some point in life wants to be a princess. Our precious Annika just glowed with radiant beauty and once more we saw a moment that spoke that she knew she was loved. How can a 4 year old say this with her eyes, I don't know, but the tight squeeze that I got in that moment told me my daughter was finally feeling special. From that lingering knowledge it truly was a Merry Christmas.