Getting out of your box is sometimes right inside someone else's box and it ends up good for everyone. My husband and I are pretty much in the same box on a lot of areas. Our ideas of fun, our ideas of future dreams, our ideas on parenting, etc. have formed over the years, with a few sweat and tears, and therefore we tend to read each others thoughts and make decisions based on a look across the room, aka the infamous it's-time-to-go look. But within those boxes also comes a whole lot of predictability, emphatically. So when we went for a trip to the Oregon coast this weekend we knew how to bring the snacks, prepare the kids, and map our stops. We also counted on the "mist" clearing up... {you may now chuckle to yourself as inevitably you will}.
Being that this is our second time in the same locale, we decided to hunt for a few off the beaten pathways to the sand. And boy did we find one! As these picture do tell, it was an amazing hike down to the water's edge. The water's edge itself was amazing too. But here's the thing. Instead of the mist clearing guessed it, down it poured. Even the weather man that evening commented on how unusual it was the recorded rainfall near the coast that seemingly didn't touch the rest of the city. Nice. Hiking, sand, and nature hunting we were prepared for, but doing it all in the rain - well not exactly. So as Andrew and I exchanged glances and then felt the need to clarify what they meant, it verbalized into, "we really needed to get out of our box". And all the while we had to laugh as one particular child of ours was reveling in a day filled with the exact box he would love to live in every-single-day. So here's to an adventure where mud puddle jumping, soaked jeans, and dripping hair translates into one fantastic family outing {oh, and a large cup of hot coffee for the trip home}.