I can't say that I'm all that fond of mathematics. I know that it is an essential part of life and has probably been the bedrock of upper education that has brought about so many of the things that make modern what it is today. Even so, I am still a literature-history-art kinda girl. But I do aim at picking at the brains of my young-ins just in case they are a bit more bent towards this topic of study than their teacher.
All that said, Kindergarten mathematics is just plain fun. We use an excellent program from Singapore. I enjoy how colorful it is and how it uses the workbook as more of a platform for hands-on play. George particularly got a kick out of a day dedicated to sorting. As a teacher sometimes its hard to see where the easy stuff is going. Is this really a necessary skill? Isn't sorting pretty common knowledge that gets picked up anyway? Well, yes and no. It's amazing how much sorting goes on in other areas. It gets new fancier names like classifying or organizing your thoughts, formulas, or writings. But it all starts in the fun that's created when you pull out a drawer full of children's dishware and say, lets sort it!