Peter has been begging me for weeks to play chess with him. I must admit I dragged my feet on this one. First of all, I've never learned the rules of the game, although he was just as excited to teach them to me. And secondly, I would like to spend my mental energies on something less recreational. For this gal, games are for enjoyment and less a source of sharpening ones strategic outlook.
But all that aside, what's a mom to do when the one you love, loves games. And he wants to play them with you?! I must confess I was surprise on many accounts. Peter taught me the rules, complete with strategy, quite well. Plus he knew his stuff! When we were in the heart of chess bantering amongst our play he had some well thought out plans. A formidable opponent to be sure, but alas, as I often do, mom won. Checkmate! However, now I'm worse off then before, because now it's the rematch he's begging me for and I'm not sure I can hold my bluff a second round.
{chess set brought home from China, the pieces are made from bone}