Trying to stretch this last bit of gorgeous weather into one more weekend outing, we journeyed into fields of orange. Apparently we picked a place that was rather popular. After about an hour{+} line of traffic to even see the entrance, we first ventured first through the corn "maize". It was huge! Mesmerizing corn stalks wandered in a bewitching fashion that lead us all to wonder just how good ones instinctive sense of direction really is.
But everyone insisted that even though we had been stuck in the corn fields way too long we still must pick a pumpkin in a field proper and not our local grocer. As the moon cast longer shadows and the temperatures fell we sized up smallish (and greenish) treasures to carry homeward. Despite our endless walking most of the event, with young children, spirits were high and victorious. Our pumpkinteers were satisfied with their sweet goods.