I've been following a blog for a bit that is simply an enjoyable journal to read. From her life I find a smorgasbord of inspiration from homeschooling to adoption and from knitting to cooking gluten-free. Can you see why I love her thoughts? Anyway, on Wednesdays she begin the Yarn Along to which you can post your current knitting project and book-reading selection. Sounds like fun to me! But the best part is satisfying that curious desire to see what everyone else is knitting up and reading out.
I {heart} sharing.
I'm knitting my first garment that is suppose to be worn by an adult. Hopefully that adult will end up being myself, if all goes according to plan. Baby and toddler clothing seems to be far less risky when you have a few children as options for the resulted size. But I'm excited to make this leap into my handmade world.
The book is Second Nature by Michael Pollan. I've been on a Pollan kick of late. Which you can see a plethora of his titles in my bookshop. Reading up on the element of gardening might seem a bit odd for such a city-bound girl such as I am, sometimes literally but not always so in my dreams. It has indulged the farm girl in me quite thoroughly and by his own words made my education of all things planted far more realistic to nature.
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