Let's get reacquainted shall we? Our family has been a bit off-grid this last month. But now that we are safe and settled into our new gig, I hope that this space of mine will again reflect the dailies of our fun little clan.
We have loved our Portland adventure! It has literally altered the trajectory of our lives in such significant ways that it will forever impact who we are and our ability to radically lay down our lives for the kingdom of God. I'm learning that it is the only way to live.
While the rest of the family were packing up the big yellow truck, Nicholas was attending GU 2011. After loving CBC youth ministry and admiring the character of its leadership from afar, it was an amazing privilege for our oldest not only to attend this in-house conference but also to call it a personal group of friendships that, old and young, will last him for years to come.
Which lands us at our temporary digs. It's fully furnished, and a joy to inhabit, especially since the morning view is this...
And when the sun rises over those mountains, I almost consider becoming a morning person...but not quite.
So while all the beautiful belongings that make up our BeHome joys are sitting in a big metal unit, we ourselves are alive and well living a new and exciting experience to end all experiences!
And there's the man himself, walking across the parking lot, with the humble privilege to lead pastor a new congregation of amazing people. I love this picture. It seems that our whole journey is spoken in it's context.