This was a great year for football! Especially if you have a husband that, for the past 14 years of marriage has shared his personal love for the Pckers franchise such that you feel quite compelled to join the ranks. And while we have never sported a cheesehead in all those game seasons, we have faithfully followed the characters and fans that make up the field of play.
The junk food was abundant, given a party crew of 6 with a majority being under 40lbs, and the restrictions on it were such to induce laughter. Peter's new favorite drink takes him as close to a soda+health combo as I can maintain. And it is really quite delicious. A certain lady of the house {ahem} has had way to many herself since then. And we need not mention the lonely dip in the fridge and chips on the shelf just begging to be a nutritious lunch yesterday. A complete bowl of nacho-cheese-triangular-wedges-in-a-bag that someone had their heart set on since before he left for work, was eyed so exhaustively that I believe Annika seconded her quota for a mid-day snack! It must go, it all must go!!!
But what's a game without food and what's food without a win! So all in all, the family time couldn't be sweeter.