It's been a year, almost to the day, that we started our pacific northwest adventure. That means a year since the familiar has rested in the everyday. And while we are embracing all that it is to start life from scratch again, it was equally as wonderful to see the faces and places that we loved.

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These are some of the beautiful moments shared together over the week.
:: George's first airplane flight, to which he loved without a snitch of nervousness.
:: Kite flying and bubble blowing in Grammie's backyard, the likes of a heat wave we had yet to experience!
:: Attending the wedding of a former student and the joys of memories flooding each conversation.
:: Sharing an evening with family, and the unprompted love Annika displayed with Great-Grandma while enjoying girl time with cousins. Looks like George got some girl time as well! {I don't think he was hating it}
There were also some days of specific places we journeyed but they deserve their own spot of interest...