As the saying goes, "America is my country but Paris is my hometown", I find that I will invite two worlds into the fabric of our lives. It is ridiculous to call Beijing a hometown however, given its sheer size. But today we went to a district that gave us a new flare for China. As our saying might be read,"America is my country but Hutong is my hometown"!
I had read about this district in my book The Concrete Dragon. A fascinating book on the architecture of China - new, old, and preserved. The Hutong is an area that is old and fortunately now preserved, at least in this location. It is a lifestyle, a way the Chinese used to live. The historic part of town if you will. It stands to reason that if Andrew and I ever return to Beijing, just the two of us, this is were we will spend our stay.
Speaking of staying, the Mayor of Madrid stayed in the home that we toured during the Olympic games! Apart of seeing the Hutong district is getting the privilege of visiting a family's home. Built in keeping with that era, it is entered into by a gate and then opens to a courtyard. Various rooms surround the courtyard each with their own function and reason for placement. While sitting in such a serene place it's a wonder that life could be much sweeter. (OK, except for the fact that even the mayor had to use the public restroom around the corner!)
This is were Annika found the fish so entirely interesting. As did other little girls.
Most of this tour around town we had taken by rickshaws.
Later that evening we took in a show - The Acrobatic Show! I knew the boys, including Andrew, would love it and I was right. Annika did not make it through however, once the snacks were gone she was uninterested. So I paced in the lobby. And I can tell you, it been awhile since that was in the call of duty for this mama. But who could resist wandering with a little girl who only wants you to hold her cheek to cheek for contentment.
In the last two days Annika has made some amazing strides in communicating to us that we are becoming more than just caretakers to her. She never cried when the orphanage director left that first day and I never really saw her see a need to be anywhere else then with us. However, the genuine state of liking us for us took that first week. Annika definitely has some ways of telling us what she does and does NOT like but then surprises us with such compliance with the simple things we ask of her. Like stopping when we call her name or putting something back when she needs to. We haven't had one issue with the boys things being touched or taken. But she sure enjoys being included when offered to play.
However, if I could request prayer for her in anyway it would be for her evenings. She goes to bed beautifully but the only problem is it means an end to dinner. Which sends her into crying throughout bath time as of late. It's so sad. Unlike a cry of defiance, it is more like the thoughts running in her head are saying, "mama told me no, but I don't understand why she is still holding me and smiling so sweetly at me". She has a full tummy at this point no doubt, it's the small sweets she continues to want. As she trusts us more each day I see her self-defenses melt. So this is what I pray - that a trusting heart is developed under the blanket of our unconditional love.
Thank-you again to everyone, family and friends, who are sending comments and emails. I wish I could respond to each one of you or better yet, carry on a wonderful conversation with you! But of course the days don't have anymore hours in China then back home, just earlier. We read each one however, every morning. They are more of an encouragement and felt love then you'll ever know!