Sixty percent of the nations berries come from Washington and actually just from our very own county! It isn't that hard to believe if you drive the countryside for any length of time. June, I'm learning, is the month for strawberries - sweet, sweet strawberries.
Since moving in we have discovered the history of our property through simple conversations here and there. One of those was with couple in our church who recently celebrated their 90th birthdays together and happens our neighbor across the road {and the fields}. His dad was good friends with the father who built our home. We of course don't own fields of berries, however our neighbors still tread over endless strawberries. So when they wanted to know if gleaning would be of interest to us, we were much obliged.
These strawberries are the sweetest you have ever tasted! In fact they are so sweet that they really won't last long enough to be shipped to grocers all over the country. So these are the berries you sink your teeth into for desserts such as strawberry ice cream and shakes. We were warned not to eat too many or else your tummy will not be happy with you in an hour but the irresistible nature of such a harvest finished off the bucket in no time at all!